Bobby Chui Digital Painting lessons 3 + 4

Lesson 3

My painting


This task took me a long time, I have found Bobby's method of starting with mid tones and building the image up so useful. Then using curves and levels to add the extra dark and highlights. If you throw in the darks or lightest tones too early on, you cant get any darker/lighter, and you might want to. So it's a good way of controlling the image and slowly making tweaks rather than put extreme tones down too early on, which is harder to come back from. I'm immensely proud of this painting, the tools I've already learnt with controlling the brush from earlier lessons is going to change everything, I can't wait to see how I improve.

Lesson 4

Colorising the tonal painting reference below

This was an awesome and eye-opening task, learning how to colorise from a tonal drawing. This will change the way I work. I understood how useful it was to do tonal paintings first, but I didn't know you could paint over it in this way using the 'colour' blend mode. This will cut out so much time. I think this lesson will be one I revisit!

Bobby's tonal painting



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