Schoolism Digital Painting with Bobby Chiu lesson 5

 The first task was to paint the reference on top of the provided silhouette, within an hour. I kept pausing and rewinding, so it definitely took me longer. 2nd attempt was painting from scratch in an hour, I stuck to an hour but I found blending the tones hard, and I completely left out the jumper. I kept re-starting and timing an hour, until I felt like I had completed the task, I had a fully formed overall representation of the portrait within an hour. This has really made me methodical, Bobby also encourages working on all the painting at once, so you can bring the whole picture to the same level of finish, useful if a client asks to see progress. It's also useful to see it better as a whole image, to see if tones are right or wrong. If I went in too light with one area, and then couldn't make highlights pop in another area, it would be a problem. 

The next challenge is to paint the mirror image, then color and then without reference I think! I think just the images above has proven that you have to put in the time to be rewarded, because I practised this task 3 extra times, I will find the next tasks more rewarding, and be in a better position to start.


Next 5....

I'm glad I have finished this lesson, I've learnt and practised a lot to do with brush control, which is definitely a skill upgrade. Bobby was going more stylised with 2nd attempt at colour, so that the stylised design was what he created in the end for the one with no reference. I tried to go more life like, I still felt there was more to gain from drawing closer to the reference. I will move on to the next lesson, to have a change, however I will return to do this stylised another time.


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