Picking Petals, stop motion/after effects Personal Work
I wanted to practise experimenting, and doing fun little things in my spare time. I had some flowers on the way out, so I used the stop motion kit and dragon frame to animate the petals peeling off. Because I had a sky light as the light source, I blocked the light out with some black card. As the time went on in the day and it became overcast, the light was casting shadows, so the background wasn't looking very consistent! This gave me the opportunity to remove the background and try and correct this in after effects! I did it this way following advice on a forum , but I'm sure they'll be other ways too. I put a cream background in the background to keep with the soft theme. I added text, and learnt how to animate text on a path from a tutorial. This is very primitive at the moment, but I'm pleased with it. I don't want to spend time making this perfect (like better fonts, a stem for the rose perhaps, and better rotoscoping in certain points) because I feel I learnt enough. I'll try another something this week and learn some more after effects bits and bobs!
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