Flour sack

We had to animate a flour sack jumping over an obstacle.
First I blocked it out with a more blobby simple shape, ignoring the tassel hands to get the motion right. I kind of felt like it wasn't enough and it just felt right to add a little walk into it, and after for the sack to celebrate the jump. The first video was just the basic animation, and I hadn't sorted out timing yet. Timing changes everything.
I would want more of a puzzled or nervousness performance before the jump, because after, the bag is so happy to have crossed it, before the jump there should have been reference to his nervousness. This comes under performance which is not what the exercise was about, it was about animating a jump. So I am just going to stop here because I already went too far, and I have other projects to do! I'm looking forward to doing performance work, but of course I need to get a good understanding of the core principles. 
After cleaning up the lines and trying to resize he bag so it doesn't get smaller after the jump, here's the outcome. I don't want to spend more time right now on backgrounds because if I don't put the time in, it will distract from the animation if it's rubbish.


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